MongoDB with NodeJS

Kanchana Ranmuthu
Level Up Coding
Published in
4 min readJan 10, 2022


Photo by James Harrison on Unsplash

MongoDB is a very popular document-oriented database in the NoSQL world. It makes use of collections and documents instead of tables and rows of Relational databases. A Collection consists of a set of documents. Data will be stored in a key-value pair in a document.

Here we are looking into how to integrate MongoDB with a NodeJS application and do basic CRUD operations with it. Let’s jump to the work without going into much more detail.

First, you need to set up MongoDB. In this implementation, MongoDB Atlas which is a cloud database has been used. If needed we can install MongoDB locally also.

You can find the details of setting up MongoDB Atlas here.

Setting up NodeJS project

  1. Create a folder on your computer and open the command inside it. Initialize the project with npm init -y command.

Following dependencies have been used in the NodeJS app.

  • express
  • mongoose
  • nodemon
  • dotenv

2. Install the above dependencies.

npm i express mongoose nodemon dotenv

3. Add the start script on package.json as below.

"scripts": {   
"start": "nodemon app.js"

Project Structure

The folder structure of the project

Project structure


Connection with MongoDB is formed in db.js.


The connection string can be provided in .env and this is how it looks like.

DB_CONNECTION = mongodb+srv://<username>:<password><dbname>?retryWrites=true&w=majority

You can find this in MongoDB cloud.

This is how the app.js file looks.


Type nodemon app.js in the command prompt to start the project. If everything is ok you will see the logs “connected” (If database connected successfully) and “Listening on port 3000”. Then you are good to go.

First, We need to create Schemas for the application. The following has been created to save customer details. It is in customer_model.js.


customerSchema is the parent schema and ordersSchema is a child schema. Because the order is an object that contains the details of the order.

Now we can perform database operations via the app. To test the endpoints I used Postman. All endpoints are defined in customer_routes.js. Let’s jump into the CRUD operations.

Save Data

To save data into the database, we can do the following.


Let’s test this API with Postman.

Add customer

We got the response as above. Now let’s check the database.

Mongo cloud database

It is working!. Data has been saved in the mongo cloud database. We can add data as much as we need. I have added another object like this.

"name": "Anna Faris",
"order": {
"orderId": ["ord002", "ord003"],
"title": ["OnePlus 9RT", "Realme Bluetooth Speaker"],
"price": ["$1065","$40"]

And here is the database now.

Mongo cloud database

Read data

Now let’s try to retrieve all records from the database. Code looks following.


And here is the response by postman.

Get customers

We can also retrieve a specific object we need. For example, here I’m fetching the record for Anna by id.

The code looks like follows.


And here is the result.

Get customer by Id

Update data

This is how we can update a document in the database.


Here I’m trying to update the email, Anna Faris, from to Since it is an update I have used PATCH in Postman.

Let’s check the database to check whether it is updated or not.

Mongo cloud database

As we can see the email address of ‘Anna Faris’ has been changed to

Now let’s go into the delete operation.

Delete data

TO delete data we can write a code snippet like follows.


I have added another record as James Anderson. Let’s try to delete it.

Mongo cloud database

And this will be a DELETE operation in Postman. Delete is going to happen by id.

Delete customer

We got the response as expected. And database does not have a record for James Anderson anymore.

Likewise, we can perform any CRUD operation.

Github Link: GitHub — Kanchana46/NodeWithMongoDB

Hope you find this helpful. Happy coding!

